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Available Supplies

We now offer complete set ups! Set ups can take 3-5 days to get put together. Please give us this time to get your supplies ready! We usually will have these set ups on hand, but give us this grace period to get your supplies ready. We hand cut holes into the cage for the water and food bowls so no more messy cages from a tipped water bowl! 

** Pick up in person only **

Full Cage Set-Up with heat source- $245


- 110 qts bin 18

- Attachable Food and water bowl 16

- Kaytee Wheel (colors vary) 20

- Large plastic igloo (colors vary) 11

- Package of carefresh bedding 20

- Thermostat Controller - 20

- Heat lamp - 15

- Ceramic Bulb - 8

- 1 lb of food

Full Cage Set-Up without heat source- $200

Remember your hedgehogs cage needs to stay around 74-78 degrees year around, if you can not provide your hedgehog with this then we recommend the set up with a heat source. 


- 110 qts bin 

- Attachable Food and water bowl 

- Kaytee Wheel (colors vary) 

- Large plastic igloo (colors vary) 

- Package of carefresh bedding 

- Thermostat Controller 

- Heat lamp 

- Ceramic Bulb 

- 1 lb of food

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